Employee in action
Employee in action

Executive and steering board

This is us

Caritas Switzerland is an independent association based in Lucerne. The Steering Board consists of six members and a President. The Executive Board also consists of seven people. 

Executive board

Peter Lack, Director

Peter Lack

Director Caritas Switzerland

Esther Reinhard

Finance and Administration
Mireille Grädel

Mireille Grädel

Projects Switzerland
Chantal Cornaz

Chantal Cornaz

Human Ressources

Martina Weber

International Cooperation

Nicole Lehnherr

Communication and Marketing ad interim
Andreas Lustenberger

Andreas Lustenberger

Research and Policy

Steering board

Monika Maire-Hefti, President

Monika Maire-Hefti

President Caritas Switzerland
Gisèle Girgis-Musy

Gisèle Girgis-Musy

lic. oec., Leutwil AG

Jean-Noël Maillard

Jean-Noël Maillard

Director Caritas Jura

Martin Wey

Martin Wey

Dr. iur., lawyer and notary

Richard Chenevard

Richard Chenevard

Development specialist and independent consultant

Chiara Gerosa Adamoli

Chiara Gerosa Adamoli

Responsible for Missio Svizzera Italiana and commentator at RSI

Anastas Odermatt

Anastas Odermatt

Dr., research associate at the University of Lucerne

Thomas Bösch

Thomas Bösch

Dr. oec., consultant for People & Organization (P&O) projects

More information

Header image: Employee in action © Fabian Biasio