Incontro sul campo in Tagikistan.
Incontro sul campo in Tagikistan.

About us

Lasting reduction of poverty in Switzerland and abroad

Caritas Switzerland prevents, alleviates and fights against poverty in Switzerland and worldwide in around 20 countries. Caritas Switzerland is an independent association with its Head Office in Lucerne and a member of the international Caritas network, which comprises 160 organisations throughout the world.

Together with the regional Caritas organisations, Caritas works to support people who are affected by poverty in Switzerland: families, single parents, the unemployed, the working poor. Caritas Switzerland has a range of offers in the areas of fighting poverty, asylum and integration.

Globally, Caritas Switzerland provides emergency relief in disasters and helps with reconstruction. With its projects in development cooperation, Caritas is active in the fields of income, climate and migration for children and adults.

Caritas advocates a society based on solidarity and a policy that takes socially disadvantaged people in Switzerland and abroad into account. Caritas is involved with analyses and statements on climate, social, migration and development policy.

About Caritas

More information


Our vision

We are committed to a world

  • that is guided by solidarity, justice and peace
  • that respects the inviolable dignity and the rights of every person
  • whose strength is measured by the wellbeing of the weak
  • that recognises that the richness and abundance of creation are the common heritage of all people
  • in which all people have access to food, water, health, education and work


Mission Statement «I am Caritas» of Caritas Switzerland

Mission Statement «I am Caritas» of Caritas Switzerland

Date 2015

Download (pdf, 699.13 KB)
Organisation Chart of Association Caritas Switzerland

Organisation Chart of Association Caritas Switzerland

Dates July 2022

Download (pdf, 61.33 KB)
Organisation chart Head Office Caritas Switzerland

Organisation chart Head Office Caritas Switzerland

Status: June 2024

Download (pdf, 94.91 KB)


Caritas Switzerland

You can find our contact details, locations and online forms at Contact.

Header image: Meeting on the field in Tajikistan © Abdullo Media